
Quo Vadis

What is Quo Vadis?

It is actually a little game. There are 9 stones of different shape on a board. You can move them as space allows it. The red stone is at the top of the board. The goal is to bring the red stone to the center at the bottom of the board.

Start position Goal

However this is surprisingly hard to accomplish when you try!

To solve the problem the program computes all possible positions of the stones on the board and their relationship. This is what mathematicians call a graph I believe. Using the graph package the best solution is quickly found.

The game can either run standalone or through Webstart or as an applet (Java Plug-in needed).

This application is a good example for the design patterns: M-V-C, strategy, singleton


Download Package qvadis.jar (26 KB)
qvadis.jar includes all necessary modules from lib_odi.
Run directly through Webstart.
Download Source qvadis_src.jar (17 KB) (you need lib_odi to compile)

How to start?

You need JRE 1.3 (preferably 1.3.1), JRE 1.2.2 will probably do.
Download the jar-File and place it somewhere on your hard drive. Double-click the jar-File or run Java from the console: javaw -jar dumper.jar