
Odi's astoundingly incomplete notes

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Presidential vacations

We are currently looking into how to spend some weeks in winter in a warmer region. Regi sent out the following inquiry to a hotel that looked fantastic:
I found the Banyan Tree Resort on the internet, but could not
detect any prices at all. Could you please give me a hint in what range
the prices are. [...]

They immediately responded:
Presidential Villa:     Euro 2470
We will discount those rates for a stay of FOURTEEN nights for TWO persons
Presidential Villa: Euro 32111
In addition we will offer you return helicopter transfer Mahe
- North Island - Mahe Free of Charge - valued at  Euro 1318
These are truely presidential rates! I didn't mean to buy the place...

posted on 2005-10-05 12:32 UTC in General | 0 comments | permalink